Thursday, August 13, 2009

ChipCorders - Where to go for Single Message

For those that need to redesign a project that used an old single message ChipCorder, you have several options. If you need to record and play for a relatively short time, your best bet is the ISD1600B or ISD1800 series products. These products give you simple access to a single message from 6 to 40 seconds according to the internal size of the memory and the sample rate of the device.

Each device has a single pin to control record and the option of 2 pins to initiate PLAY. One pin, PLAY EDGE (PLAYE) starts playback with a momentary pulsed level while the other pin PLAY LEVEL (PLAYL) plays the message as long as the level is held. The ISD1800 uses an active HIGH going pulse or level for record and play while and the ISD1600 uses an active LOW going pulse or level to control the part.

These devices include a simple microphone interface; just add the microphone plus 3 caps and 3 resistors and your done. The speaker is driven directly from 2 pins (don't ground either pin, you can let the smoke out).

I prefer the ISD1600B family because of (in my opinion) less distortion and background hiss and more speaker drive. The ISD1600B family may cost a little bit more but its worth it (again in my opinion). Additionally, the ISD1800 requires a 28 pin package while the ISD1600B uses a 16 pin package. Smaller is better.

I'll cover the multiple message options in a later Blog.

By the way, I don't work for Nuvoton, Winbond or ISD. I'm an independent consultant. I can be reached at

Note: ChipCorder is a registered trademark of Nuvoton. This blog is an independent effort and in no way connected to Nuvoton.

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